FUA-15156BPS Ultrasonic Optics Components Cleaner
该机是光学行业专用设备,适用于投影机、背投电视、数码相机、光学玻璃清洗。 采用Dl纯水、中性清洗剂清洗。 多频率进口换能器,配备第七代加拿大技术发生器,保证超声效果的最佳发挥。 底部进水,锯齿形四周溢流口,可保证污物的充分溢流。 逐级溢流及独立遇滤系统,使清洗效率得到有效提高,成本大大降低。 进口马达慢拉提升机构,充分保证慢拉脱水效果。 不锈钢抛动机架,美观实用。
PRODUCT CHARACTERlSTlC Creative TFT uIt rasonic cIeaning system, Advanced cleaning technoIogy.this is special suitabIe fo r the Upscale crystal gIasses, With mechanical arm non—dust and non—oiI,reducing polIution, Independent assembIed in workshop environment reducing pollution With muIti—f requencies cleaning of 40KHz 80KHz and 1 20KHz Resisting second time poIIution with high temperature filtering , With slow puIIing with movement of non—oiI and non—dust |