FUA-6048QFR hardware small special-purpose cleae
采用环保有机溶剂清洗,适用于五金行业小件的批量清洗 独特的抛勤架上转动设计,可保证工件的完全辙底的清洗。 专用精密转篮,清洗量大,上下料方便。 逐级溢流及独立过滤系统,使清洗效率得到有效提高,成本大大降低。 槽骨及行走机构采用优质316不锈钢制作,充分保证清洗遇程不受腐蚀。 日本NTK进口换能器,配备第七代德国技衍发生器,保证超声效果的最佳发挥
PRODUCT CHARACTERlSTlC Environmental protection organic solvent is suitable to the hardware in smalI batch unique throwing and rotating device may comPIetely clean objects unique th rowing and rotating device may comPIetely clean objects With graded indePendent overfIowing and fiItering system higher cleaning efficiency and cost saving With high quality 316 stainless steeI tank.resisting to be corroded during the cleaning process With imported Japanese NTK transducer and 7th generation of German technology generator,the best cIeaning effect |